Configuration Files

Warning: You should not edit root config files unless you have prior experience with software and the JSON language!

On startup, Candle reads in several configuration files to determine various things about how it should perform. They are accessible by clicking Setup > Config Files (under the title System Maintenance) These files are read/honored in the respective order:

- appsettings.json
    - appsettings.json used in Production (normal consumer usage)
    - appsettings.Development.json used in Development (software development)
    - appsettings.staging.json used in Staging (testing)
- appconfig.json

To modify a setting, copy the setting "block" from appsettings.json to appconfig.json. Then make the necessary modifications. Never make changes to the appsettings.json files. They are overwritten by updates and patches. When you are completed, click Save and Reload Configuration.

The comments in the appsettings.json file will guide you in edits.